Same Day Garage Door Service
Garage Door Openers Near Me Roseville CA

Strange Motor Noises?

Our Opener Repair Specialists Can Help. Contact Us Today

Garage Door Openers

Door Openers | Garage Door Repair Roseville, CA

At some point, no matter how well you maintain your garage door opener, you may need to have it repaired, replaced or adjusted. Knowing some of the warning signs will ensure that you call us for assistance before the door opener stops working completely.

It's Getting Noisier

While some garage door openers are inherently noisier than others, if you have noticed that yours is disrupting your family each time it opens or closes, then the problem could be more than simply a lack of lubrication. An increasingly noisy opener could indicate a failing motor or a loose opener chain. If your opener is getting louder and louder, give our experts a call to diagnose the issue. 

Malfunctioning Safety Reversal

It's important to ensure that your opener has a safety reverse feature that is working properly. This feature ensures that if an animal or child is under the door, it will automatically open back up. If your door opener is not consistently detecting objects or people, or seems to be behaving unpredictably, you should call our professionals straight away. It's better to be safe than sorry, you don't want to risk your heavy door falling on a family member, pet or guest!

Considering an Upgrade?

Older garage door openers don't have keypads so owners can only get into the door from outside using a remote control. The keypad feature ensures that homeowners can always get inside, even if they aren't driving their car or don't have the remote handy. If you're already considering upgrading your door opener, newer models that come with a keypad are a great choice. If you're ready for an opener replacement, we can talk you through all your options and look after the installation for you.

Nobody wants to have to replace or repair their opener, but when the time comes, you can count on our local professionals at Garage Door Repair Roseville to complete the job for you. With years of experience and understanding of all types of opener, we can ensure fast and friendly service that will have your door opener functioning properly again. Talk to us today!

You can also count on us for:

Garage Door Safety Inspections

Genie & Liftmaster Opener Repairs

Emergency Broken Spring Replacement

Broken Garage Door Track Repair


When you need professional garage door service at its best, we're the team to call. Contact our experts below with any question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


For fast, reliable service and guaranteed customer satisfaction, we're the team for you. Count on our professionals for the friendliest prices in town!

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

Select Date and time
Feb 23, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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